Legacies and Bequests

Legacies and Bequests


  • Will people with rheumatic disorders ever be able to live without pain?
  • Can Osteoarthritis be stopped before it has caused irreparable damage?
  • Will my children inherit my disease and suffer as I did?
  • Will cures be found?


The answers to these questions:



Every treatment, every insight into the causes, every medical improvement helping sufferers, is the result of research. There is no other way to find out.


If you’ve lived with, been affected by or know people with a rheumatic disease, you’ll want to help others who have the condition. Only research can offer hope of a future free from pain.
Your donation could help thousands of people affected by musculoskeletal disorders in Switzerland to stay active and healthy – able to enjoy life, work and contribute to the economy, and play an active role in the community.


Please donate generously to help us find ways to improve care, diagnosis and the prevention of rheumatic diseases.


To ensure professional and independent advice on setting out your intentions, we recommend the advice of a Swiss Notary. We can advise you of a Notary known to us and in your area, who can give you independent advice on making a bequest or legacy to benefit charitable organisations.

Please contact fondation@rheumasearch.org or phone 022 807 11 30


Guidance to making a legacy or a bequest is also offered by the Quality Standards organisation ZEWO (in French and German).