Discovering new biomarkers to identify individuals in pre-clinical stages of rheumatoid arthritis

Discovering new biomarkers to identify individuals in pre-clinical stages of rheumatoid arthritis


Prof. Axel Finckh, Division of Rheumatology, University Hospitals of Geneva (principal investigator), partners with all Swiss academic Rheumatology units, including Unispital Zürich, Unispital Basel, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Inselspital - Bern, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Hôpital Cantonal Fribourg, Kantonspital Aarau, Hôpital Neûchatelois


Our project goals are to develop a screening strategy for RA in non-diseased people, who have a higher increased risk of developing RA (first degree relatives); secondly, to better understand what environmental factors triggers the disease; and thirdly to find new biomarkers for the development of the disease. These goals could have enormous benefits for these individuals at risk. A better understanding of the risk factors for RA may lead to strategies aimed at preventing the development of the disease, much as controlling hypertension and reducing high cholesterol levels helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Download the project summary here.


We are looking for people who have a close relative with rheumatoid arthritis interested in participating in this important screening study. Participants will benefit from new insights and developments in the prevention of RA and treatment in early stages. For more information visit the website:


A Facebook page also provides opportunities to enrol and read the latest news: